Hi, I'm Cameron 🚀

follower of Christ, software engineer, and student

I do a lot of programming with various different tools. I'm well versed with programming languages such as Python, C, C++, JavaScript, Rust, and more.

As a follower of Christ, I strive to glorify God in all that I do, including software development. I hope to create meaningful software that impacts others in a positive way.

Working towards that goal, I am currently pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at Liberty University.

I am currently serving in the following roles:

  • Senator for the School of Business in Student Government
  • Competition Coordinator for the Competitive Programming Club
  • Innovation & Development officer for the Software Engineering Club
  • Tutor for CSCN 443: Operating Systems and CSCN 342: Computer Architecture

I am super interested in embedded systems, compilers, and programming languages.

I also write blog posts sometimes. Feel free to read them. One of my posts was featured on a YouTube video with over 300k views!

My notable projects:

cameron © 2023